7643 Gate Pkwy Ste 104-288 Jacksonville, FL 32256

Mon-Fri 8 AM - 6 PM Sat & Sun: 10 AM - 4 PM

getting to know your pool

Chemistry of your pool


H2O: Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen. So seemingly simple, yet critically complex. Take a look at how these chemicals keep your pool water looking spectacular and safe! Let’s dive in to learn, improve and enjoy water.


What is chlorine?

Chlorine is used in swimming pools to help disinfect and sanitize harmful bacteria and microorganisms. When Chlorine binds to germs it will form into chloramines, which will then leave the water as a gas. This ensures your pool water to be safe, clear, and algae free! Chlorine can be added to your pool water in a number of ways, the most common being salt water systems, chlorine tablet feeders, and liquid chlorine.


what is pH for pools?

Your pH is a measure of the acidity based on a scale of 0 to 14. Keeping your pool water pH balanced is key for longevity and the safety of your pool surface and equipment. A pH of 8.0 or above states your water is alkaline, and a pH below 7.0 indicates pool water is acidic. The pH will rise naturally due to a number of reasons. Such as new plaster, water features, heating of water, salt water systems, and many others.

Calcium Hardness

What is Calcium Hardness?

Your pool water’s calcium hardness is a measurement of how hard or soft your water is. Water naturally has a variety of common minerals, especially calcium and magnesium. The more minerals found in your water, the harder your water will be. If the levels rise too high in your pool the water can become cloudy and cause an excess of scaling on your pool surface. If the levels get too low in your pool, it can cause the metal parts of your pool to corrode. It can also cause etching and eroding of your pool’s plaster and grout. Florida tends to have hard water in most homes.


What is Alkalinity

Alkalinity is one of the most important measurements of your pool. A balanced alkalinity will help stabilize the pH in your pool. Alkalinity is the buffer to control sudden swings in pH preventing damage and ensuring longevity of pool equipment. High alkalinity will lead to scale build-up, cloudy water, clogged filters and cause eye and skin irritation. Low alkalinity can cause damage to the surface and walls of your swimming pool, burning of swimmer’s eyes, and metal corrosion.


What are phosphates?

Testing phosphates lets us know the amount of organic material that naturally occurs in your pool. Phosphates are not harmful or toxic however they are a source of nutrients that algae enjoy. The more the algae consume, the faster it will spread. Treating phosphates is not truly solving your algae problem but it can help with the rate it spreads. The most common ways phosphates rise in pools are through lawn fertilizer, debris, and detergents or lotions.

Cyanuric Acid/ Stabilizer

What is Cyanuric Acid?

Chlorine in its natural form breaks down and degrades when exposed to sunlight. Cyanuric acid is the sunblock to chlorine. It helps to keep the sun’s UV rays from destroying the chlorine in your pool. Keeping your Cyanuric Acid levels balanced will extend the life of the chlorine in your pool. Meaning more time to disinfecting unwanted bacteria! Too low of cyanuric acid levels will cause chlorine to burn up quickly, but raising it too high can cause cloudy water and chlorine will become less effective.

Know Your equipmenT

Investigating a pool Leak

Is my pool leaking or evaporating water? With this guide we will give you some easy first steps before
calling in the leak professionals. We also hope to provide you with the answers to some commonly
asked questions!

Quick Pool Leak Detection Tips

The most common leaks to pop up are equipment leaks. Check your equipment area
thoroughly to confirm everything is leak tight. Sometimes a pool leak can be as simple as a loose
union or an O-ring that isn’t lubed.

Check your grass around pool area and equipment. Confirm you have no mushy or wet

Does your pool have a retaining wall or exterior water features? Confirm the base of water
features look crack free and there are no signs of moisture. Also, it’s a good idea to check all
retaining walls for any signs of a crack as well.

You can perform a dye test easily on your pool if you believe you’ve located the pool leak. Look
for obvious signs like cracks or broken tile.

Before calling the professionals and costing yourself money you will want to confirm it’s not
evaporation. Depending on the weather, evaporation can be extremely high causing it to appear as leaks.

To determine if your pool is losing water you can perform a simple test with your pool water
and a bucket. Simply match the water level from your pool to the inside of the bucket
containing the pool water. Wait and watch to see the results!

When you do not want to deal with the headaches of leaks or cant determine where the leak is located. Red Rhino Leak Detection

Do it yourself Pool Leak Tests

The Bucket Test

Running a Bucket Test can help point you whether your pool is evaporating or a potential pool leak.
For the most accurate results, make sure to refrain from using your pool and or spa. Any water entering your pool during the test, such as sprinkler systems or rain, will cause a faulty test and you will need to restart.
Follow these steps
1.To begin make sure to fill your pool to appropriate water level.
2. Place the bucket on a ledge or step of your pool so that the bucket is submerged roughly 6-8 inches. Make sure to fill pool water into your bucket!
3. Match the water level inside the bucket to the same as your swimming pool water level.
4. Tape or mark the bucket inside and out as our starting points of the water level.
5. Wait 1-3 days for results.
Check the pool and bucket water levels after your test. If both of the water levels went down roughly the same amount, it is usually just pool evaporation. However, if the pool water level dropped further than the bucket, than there is a good chance you have a pool leak present.

The dye Test

Do you suspect a old repair, crack, or return sprung a pool leak?
This simple DIY dye test can help you confirm!

Equipment you will need
1. Leak detection dye
2. Goggles
3. Snorkel
4. Pool Putty
Follow these steps
1. To begin make sure to fill your pool to appropriate water level.
2. Wait for a low-wind, calm day
3. Turn off filtration system and wait for water to still
4. Check where you believe the leak to be located such pool returns, drains, or cracks.
5. Squirt dye slowly into suspected area and watch the dye to see where it flows.
6. The dye will naturally flow towards the leak, if present

If successful on locating the leak, you can attempt to fix yourself using a pool putty.
If unsuccessful, it’s time to call in the pros to pressure test the plumbing and locate the pool’s leak.

pool care tips for your new pool

Pool’s first month curing process

Congratulations on getting your backyard paradise! You will need to protect your investment with proper care during this sensitive time. The first month that water is filled in your pool is crucial to the integrity of your pool finish. We highly recommend you hire a professional for this step. The pool curing process can take a couple years to fully settle down. Follow our guidelines to help you get started!

Hire the pros

Have a pool professional handle the chemistry and equipment during this sensitive curing time.

Brush often

During the first two weeks of a pool’s life, you should brush your pool twice a day.

After 2 weeks, brushing once a day for the remainder of the month.

Doing this helps open up the pores allowing it to cure and also removes any excess plaster dust.

Add sequestering agents

Adding sequestering agents during the first few months of a pool life can help crystallize any un-filterable water material. This will help prevent any staining and scaling from forming.

Refrain from using pool

We know this is a hard step, however swimming during this time will not be the most pleasant experience. The water chemistry may be on the acidic side and chlorine will be low to non-existent. Not to mention your water will have a lot of material floating around! Your pool is usually
ready for swim-use in 4 to 5 weeks.

Enjoy your backyard dream

Time to kick back and enjoy your new pool! The yard is almost back together. There is nothing to do now but enjoy the pool, right?

No. For the life of your pool and spa, weekly maintenance is necessary. While they are still curing, we recommend staying with the professionals for at least the first year before taking on the task of your own pool and spa care.

get in touch

Dont hesitate to ask a question

If you experience any issues that may occur outside of your scheduled service time, we offer a free diagnosis to help solve
the problem quickly. Hidden Gem Pools is just a phone call away!

7643 Gate Pkwy Ste 104-288 Jacksonville, FL 32256


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